Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Indonesia Forest CO2 Rules Need Finance Clarity

The world's first rules for generating tradeable carbon credits from protecting forests were a good start but Indonesia needed to clear up doubts over the government's share of the revenues, analysts and industry said on Friday.god for world
Monday, 11 May 2009
sex education
Many thought that if a pregnant women should not perform intimate relationship with her husband because it can cause infection or injure the baby in the womb when the related agencies.
Pregnant women can and can only do the body any relationship to the actual age is 9 months, the pregnancy is normal or not including the high risk pregnancy.
However, if the time satau after the agency relationship or search something unusual symptoms such as pain, contraction, or exit of blood there is a good idea to contact a doctor immediately before making a sexual relationship again.
Pregnant women can and can only do the body any relationship to the actual age is 9 months, the pregnancy is normal or not including the high risk pregnancy.
However, if the time satau after the agency relationship or search something unusual symptoms such as pain, contraction, or exit of blood there is a good idea to contact a doctor immediately before making a sexual relationship again.
Saturday, 02 May 2009
anti graf

Indonesia's attorney-general's office said on Friday the head of the anti-graft commission, Antasari Azhar, is one of the suspects in a murder case. no god for my country
Friday, 01 May 2009
Lebanese Told not to Kiss In Anti-swine Flu Drive
Swine flu has not yet hit Lebanon but is threatening a national custom. Lebanese should stop greeting each other with kisses to the cheek, Health Minister Mohammad Khalifeh told a news conference on Tuesday.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Programer IT vs frog
A young man passes a road.
"Bring me. smell me. I will turn into beautiful daughters if we want smell," said the frog.
Youth and bend toward the frog, toad and then he took it and put it in the bag to own.
Frog that is again said, "If you want smell me , I will change to a beautiful daughter. Not only that, I will tell to everyone how smart and dare souls have been saved because of me."
surprised how when he was a voice calling his name. In fact, he is surprised again when the call is in fact a frog.
"Bring me. smell me. I will turn into beautiful daughters if we want smell," said the frog.
Youth and bend toward the frog, toad and then he took it and put it in the bag to own.
Frog that is again said, "If you want smell me , I will change to a beautiful daughter. Not only that, I will tell to everyone how smart and dare souls have been saved because of me."
virtual machine
crisis political
Thailand's intractable political crisis broadly pits royalists, the military and the urban middle-class against the rural poor loyal to Thaksin.
Saturday, 04 April 2009
om obama speak indonesia
LONDON - United States President Barack Obama said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, that he still remembers a few words English.
Obama delivered it at breakfast with the President SBY G20 meeting on the sidelines in London, Thursday.
"Obama still remember many words of English, such as? Hello 'and? Tired'," said President SBY in the return trip from London G20 meeting, as quoted AAP, Friday (3/4/2009).
Obama delivered it at breakfast with the President SBY G20 meeting on the sidelines in London, Thursday.
"Obama still remember many words of English, such as? Hello 'and? Tired'," said President SBY in the return trip from London G20 meeting, as quoted AAP, Friday (3/4/2009).
Friday, 03 April 2009
kutai timur

Sangatta is one of the districts in the East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan province, Indonesia. Beribukota in Sangatta, this district has a knowledgeable 3861.26 km ², which is 10.8% of the area of East Kutai regency. Based on statistical data in 2004, 63,782 inhabitants with a population density average of 16.36 people / km ², and has 22 villages as administrative areas.
om Obama won’t offer soccer views
LONDON (AP)—He says he’s taken enough flak for making his NCAA college basketball selections, so President Barack Obama says he’s not about to wade into European soccer—or, as he correctly called it in London, “football.”
He was asked at a news conference Wednesday with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown whether he had a “good luck message” for the team from England, which is playing Ukraine later in the day in a World Cup qualifying match.
Obama says his college basketball predictions, in which he envisioned North Carolina taking the championship, caused “all kinds of controversy.”
He was asked at a news conference Wednesday with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown whether he had a “good luck message” for the team from England, which is playing Ukraine later in the day in a World Cup qualifying match.
Obama says his college basketball predictions, in which he envisioned North Carolina taking the championship, caused “all kinds of controversy.”
ohhh no Argentina thrashed 6-1 by Bolivia
* Botero scores hat-trick
* Argentina won first three games under Maradona
* Di Maria sent off seven minutes after coming on (Adds Maradona, Morales quotes)
LA PAZ, April 1 (Reuters) - Diego Maradona’s honeymoon as Argentina coach came to an abrupt end on Wednesday when his side suffered an extraordinary 6-1 defeat to Bolivia in a World Cup qualifier at high altitude.
* Argentina won first three games under Maradona
* Di Maria sent off seven minutes after coming on (Adds Maradona, Morales quotes)
LA PAZ, April 1 (Reuters) - Diego Maradona’s honeymoon as Argentina coach came to an abrupt end on Wednesday when his side suffered an extraordinary 6-1 defeat to Bolivia in a World Cup qualifier at high altitude.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
againts time
We price
The only comparable
We award
Against Time
... ....
The only comparable
We award
Against Time
... ....
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Iran's Ahmadinejad Says Economic Liberalism Failed
TEHRAN - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told regional leaders on Wednesday that the capitalist system was close to collapse.
Opening a one-day summit of the 10-nation Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) including Turkey, Pakistan and other neighbours, he also suggested a single currency should be used in trade between members.
"After the collapse of the closed socialist economy, the capitalist economy is also on the verge of collapse," Ahmadinejad said in a speech.
"The liberal economy and the free market have failed," he said, pointing to the use of "thousands of billions of dollars" to bail out Western banks and companies.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Indonesia's Kalla to Run for President
JAKARTA - It is almost certain that Indonesia's Vice President Jusuf Kalla will not continue his partnership with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to form the next government.
Mr Kalla has confirmed that he will be the Golkar Party's presidential candidate in July's election.
In a 90-minute interview shown on a local television channel, Vice President Kalla said his decision to run for the presidency was initiated by Golkar - the party which he chairs.
"The provincial party leaders approached me first. I didn't ask for it. But they insisted and I accepted," he said.
Guantanamo Detainees Say They Planned 9/11-NYT
WASHINGTON - The five detainees at the U.S. Guantanamo Bay prison camp charged with plotting the Sept. 11 attacks have filed a document expressing pride at their accomplishment and accepting responsibility for the deaths of nearly 3,000 people, The New York Times reported on Monday.
The document, which the newspaper said may be released publicly on Tuesday, describes the five men as the "9/11 Shura Council," and says their actions were an offering to God, according to excerpts of the document read to a reporter by an unidentified government official, the report said.
"'To us,' the official read, 'they are not accusations. To us they are a badge of honor, which we carry with honor,'" the paper said.
The document, which the newspaper said may be released publicly on Tuesday, describes the five men as the "9/11 Shura Council," and says their actions were an offering to God, according to excerpts of the document read to a reporter by an unidentified government official, the report said.
"'To us,' the official read, 'they are not accusations. To us they are a badge of honor, which we carry with honor,'" the paper said.
object oriented
object oriented model of real word in term of object
- abstraction
-message sending
- abstraction
-message sending
Sunday, 08 March 2009
Pak Mario menuliskan : Kebiasaan terbentuk atau dibentuk dari hal-hal yang dilakukan berulang-ulang. Setelah terbentuk, kebiasaan mengambil sebuah penampilan yang besar dan kuat dan menentukan apakah sebuah keadaan bisa disebut nyaman atau tidak. Dia yang menentukan apakah kita akan berbahagia dengan sebuah kondisi, atau tidak.
Kemudian tulisan selanjutnya dari Pak Mario adalah
Kemudian tulisan selanjutnya dari Pak Mario adalah
Sebuah pribadi dibentuk oleh kebiasaan-kebiasaan nya, dengan demikian upaya merubah sebuah pribadi adalah upaya merubah kebiasaannya…
Jalan-jalan kebaikan adalah jalan Tuhan.
Dan bila engkau berjalan di jalan kebaikan, engkau berjalan bersama Tuhan.
Semua orang adalah pribadi yang sendiri.
Yang membuatnya kesepian,
adalah jika dia bukan sahabat bagi dirinya sendiri.
Menyesali senjata, adalah pemasti kekalahan
Sebagai petarung dalam kehidupan ini,
Tuesday, 03 March 2009
Beban dari orang lain
Semoga indah nya hari ini dengan senyum sang mentari yang menampakkan cahaya terang nya dapat kita nikmati bersama dalam suasana kesehatan yang prima dalam upaya mencapai kecemerlangan hidup.
Bangunlah Kemampuan untuk menjadi pribadi yang memikul beban dari sebanyak mungkin orang.
Pada kesempatan yang baik ini izinkanlah saya sharing tentang MTGW yang kita saksikan bersama semalam .
Bangunlah Kemampuan untuk menjadi pribadi yang memikul beban dari sebanyak mungkin orang.
Monday, 02 March 2009
sangatta kota kaya
Sangatta adalah salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Kutai Timur, provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Beribukota di Sangatta, kecamatan ini memiliki luas 3.861,26 km² yang merupakan 10,8% dari luas wi
layah Kabupaten Kutai Timur. Berdasarkan data statistik tahun 2004, berpenduduk 63.782 jiwa dengan kepadatan penduduk rata-rata 16,36 jiwa/km², dan memiliki 22 desa sebagai wilayah administratif.[1]

Bercerita tentang perbedaan, semua yang ada di muka bumi ini mungkin tidak ada yang persis sama di ciptakan oleh Yang Maha Pencipta, bahkan saudara kembar identik pun tentu kita semua setuju masih terdapat perbedaan-perbedaan .
Kesepakatan atas perbedaan tentunya kita mengerti dan pahami bertujuan agar kita meraih kedamaian baik dalam keluarga maupun dalam masyarakat.
Kedamaian dalam keluarga dan masyarakat akan dapat dicapai bila kita mengerti bahwa tidak semua hal harus kita sepakati.

Iran Seeks Arrest of 15 Israeli "War Criminals"
Iran has asked Interpol to arrest what it says are 15 Israeli "war criminals" who were involved in the conflict in Gaza in December and January, the Tehran prosecutor said in remarks reported on Sunday.
Rober s adalah Obenk
Rober s dan obenk merupakan orang yang lucu suka bikin rame,
,trus disenang ma teman2 gtu he he narsis, kalo obenk ga ada duh teman2q pada sepi (katanya)
,trus disenang ma teman2 gtu he he narsis, kalo obenk ga ada duh teman2q pada sepi (katanya)
Pare kampung bahasa
Pare merupakan bagian dari kabupaten kediri provinsi jawa timur, tiga jam dari surabaya
daerah tersebut merupakan daerah yang terdapat perkampungan bahasa ,
ada 5 bahasa di sana yang di ajarkan seperti bahasa inggris,bahasa arab,bahasa mandarin,bahasa jawa,bahasa indonesia (he he he )
saya sarankan yang ingin belajar bahasa tersebut , bisa ke pare tepatnya di tulung rejo,,
daerah tersebut merupakan daerah yang terdapat perkampungan bahasa ,
ada 5 bahasa di sana yang di ajarkan seperti bahasa inggris,bahasa arab,bahasa mandarin,bahasa jawa,bahasa indonesia (he he he )
saya sarankan yang ingin belajar bahasa tersebut , bisa ke pare tepatnya di tulung rejo,,
Sunday, 22 February 2009

At least one rocket fired from Lebanon landed in northern Israel on Saturday, lightly wounding three people and prompting Israel to respond with a barrage of artillery shells, the Israeli army said.

Wednesday, 04 February 2009
I got a Black Magic Woman
I got a Black Magic Woman
I got a Black Magic Woman
I got a Black Magic Woman
Tuesday, 03 February 2009
Friday, 02 January 2009
my inspiration
Smile is the shortest distance between two people.
Real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point.
You have to endure caterpillars if you want to see butterflies.
Only the man who is in the truth is a free man.
Every dark light is followed by a light morning.
Real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point.
You have to endure caterpillars if you want to see butterflies.
Only the man who is in the truth is a free man.
Every dark light is followed by a light morning.
Place 4 grandfather Bom New Year in Aspen
Luhur Hertanto - detikNews
Aspen, USA - Local attractions ski Aspen, USA, is closed to the public, trouble found four hand-made bomb with a summons. Two bombs found in an office and two other banks in the alley.
Penumuan one hour after the bombing, local residents found the man killed the suicide shot in the head. According to police, the man named James C. Blanning Jr., (72), have rejected the transfer of functions from the city of Aspen mine one of the tour.
Aspen, USA - Local attractions ski Aspen, USA, is closed to the public, trouble found four hand-made bomb with a summons. Two bombs found in an office and two other banks in the alley.
Penumuan one hour after the bombing, local residents found the man killed the suicide shot in the head. According to police, the man named James C. Blanning Jr., (72), have rejected the transfer of functions from the city of Aspen mine one of the tour.
Nakamura's set-piece secrets
Celtic FC midfielder Shunsuke Nakamura had made a habit of scoring some spectacular free-kicks in recent seasons and the 30-year-old reveals the tricks of his trade in this UEFA Training Ground Star Skills masterclass.Free-kick masterclassThe Japanese international has provided some memorable moments for the Bhoys over the years, none more so than his two stunning dead-ball Celtic FC midfielder Shunsuke Nakamura had made a habit of scoring some spectacular free-kicks in recent seasons and the 30-year-old reveals the tricks of his trade in this UEFA Training Ground Star Skills masterclass.Free-kick masterclass
Geography of Borneo
Borneo is surrounded by the South China Sea to the north and northwest, the Sulu Sea to the northeast, the Celebes Sea and the Makassar Strait to the east, and the Java Sea and Karimata Strait to the south. It has an area of 743,330 km² (287,000 square miles).
To the west of Borneo [1] are the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. To the south is Java. To the east is the island of Sulawesi (Celebes). To the northeast is the Philippines.
Borneo's highest point is Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia, with an elevation of 4,095 m (13,435 ft) above sea level. This makes it the world's third highest island.
To the west of Borneo [1] are the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. To the south is Java. To the east is the island of Sulawesi (Celebes). To the northeast is the Philippines.
Borneo's highest point is Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia, with an elevation of 4,095 m (13,435 ft) above sea level. This makes it the world's third highest island.
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