Sangatta is one of the districts in the East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan province, Indonesia. Beribukota in Sangatta, this district has a knowledgeable 3861.26 km ², which is 10.8% of the area of East Kutai regency. Based on statistical data in 2004, 63,782 inhabitants with a population density average of 16.36 people / km ², and has 22 villages as administrative areas.
Once there is a district of the expansion itself, Sangata that is a city district, elected to the capital of East Kutai regency. Besides the strategic location, one of the reasons why Sangata elected to the district capital, may be due on the edge of town Sangata coal mining activities there are large enough that the production reached 70 million tons per year, I lived in kampung Tator road bears no 46 obenk fams
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